
Spring is Here: When Should My Dog Visit the Groomer?

Based on an article that first appeared at

All dogs usually grow thicker coats during the colder months of winter, including our short-haired pups like Chihuahuas, Boxers and even Dobermans! While pet owners may not notice the difference during winter months, they may start to notice now that spring has sprung. This is due to increased shedding or as groomers call it, “blowing their coat.” Below are some tell tale signs it may be time to see your groomer.


With all of the fresh grass and blooming flowers comes more pollen in the air. These pollens can irritate dogs with sensitive skin or skin allergies and cause them to itch. While some mild itchiness may be relieved by using hydrating oatmeal shampoo and conditioner, your groomer may suggest a visit to your veterinarian.

Tangles, Knots, Mats, and Dirty Fun

With spring also comes lush green grass, bright flowers and plenty of sunshine. That extra dose of sunshine and extra green grass is the perfect mixture of good old-fashioned dirty fun for your dog. Nice weather means more time for your pup to play outside, either with friends, toys or just running wild and rolling around.

All this romping around may leave your pet with dirt and grass stains and may leave them a little stinky. This extra dose of fun in the sun can also lead to knots, tangles and matts for those breeds with long hair, such as Australian Shepherds, Doodles, and Malteses.

Don’t let your dog miss out on those fun spring days because you are worried about the upkeep of keeping them tangle-free. To keep your pet’s coat in tip top shape, consider a trip to the groomer.

Blowing Their Coats

Pet owners can help keep the shedding down by brushing, brushing, and more brushing. All that hair has to go somewhere though. It usually ends up all over the house and may even clog up your bathroom drains during bath time.

Let your pup enjoy a nice massage, bath, extra brushing and a nail trim with their groomer!



  • Dog Bathing & Hygiene