
5 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for You and Your Pet

Based on an article that first appeared at

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and who better to spend it with than your pet? Whether it’s a hitting the road for a day hike or staying in and snuggling on the couch, spending some one-on-one time with your pet provides numerous benefits for both of you, including reduced stress and anxiety and increased opportunities for exercise and socialization.

Need some inspiration? Here are five pet-perfect date ideas to get you started.

Learn Something New Together

Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks? Just like humans, dogs (and even cats!) can learn new behaviors and skills throughout their lives. Joining an agility class together or even working on the newest trick in your pet’s playbook provides opportunities for physical and mental stimulation as well as relationship-building and teamwork.

Sometimes spending some quiet, quality downtime with your pet is just what you both need.

Netflix and Cuddle

Sometimes spending some quiet, quality downtime with your pet is just what you both need. If your pet loves snuggles, this is the perfect choice. Grab a blanket, some snacks, and cozy up for the best night in ever.

Get Yappy

Ever catch yourself wondering what your pet is doing at home while you’re out? Now you don’t have to. Many bars, restaurants, and coffee shops are opening their doors to dogs and even have dog-friendly events, like yappy hours.

Several companies have gotten on board with pet-friendly policies that make it easier for working professionals to spend quality time with their furry friends during the day.

Spend the Workday Together

Working like a dog this Valentine’s Day? If you’re going to be at the office anyway, why not bring your pet? Several companies have gotten on board with pet-friendly policies that make it easier for working professionals to spend quality time with their furry friends during the day.

Take a Hike

What could be better than a long walk with your best friend? Whether you’re exploring a new trail or hitting your tried-and-true neighborhood loop, taking regular walks with your pet can have many positive effects on his health and yours. You can even bring your cat along by training him to use a leash or backpack carrier!

What are you and your pets doing for Valentine’s Day? We hope you don’t need us, but if you do, reach out or schedule an appointment anytime.